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2 Personality Traits That Indicate A Narcissist

2 Personality Traits That Indicate A Narcissist

Professor Delroy L. Paulhus, an expert on dark personalities, explains how high extraversion and being disagreeable make a narcissist:

Narcissists are highly extraverted along with being disagreeable, research finds.

The combination of the two personality traits explains how narcissists are both very sociable and also prone to being rude and selfish.

Their extraversion makes them very positive.

Along with their self-confidence and energy, people find them very attractive — at first.

Narcissists try to take control of situations and are happy to manipulate people — even if their strategies are self-defeating over the long-term.

Most people who are around narcissists for a while start to notice how disagreeable they are — they have little or no interest in other people’s feelings

“…the willingness of narcissists to accept negative judgments of their likability as long as they receive positive judgments of their status gives them high overall scores on the NPI [Narcissistic Personality Inventory].”

The conclusions come from two studies, one that surveyed 102 people and the other that reviewed the research on personality and narcissism.

The narcissist also has a curious combination of an overly positive view of themselves and overly negative view of others:

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